Wednesday, March 08, 2017

2016 Book List!

I know we're three months into 2017 now, but I thought posting my book list might give you all some new reading material if you're searching! Have you read any listed here?

How many books did you read this year? Any favorites?

2016 Book List
  1. Grace Triumphant by Alicia A. Willis
  2. Grieving: Our Path Back to Peace by James White [Kindle]
  3. Kingdom’s Dawn by Chuck Black
  4. Not recommended.
  5. David: A Man of Passion and Destiny by Charles Swindoll
  6. Soul Friends by Leslie Parrott
  7. Burning Light by Rachel Starr Thomson [Kindle] (book 2/3)
  8. Dorie: The Girl Nobody Loved by Doris Van Stone
  9. Pendragon’s Heir by Suzannah Rowntree [Kindle]
  10. Behold the Dawn by K.M. Weiland [Kindle]
  11. John (St. Andrew’s Expositional Commentary) by R.C. Sproul [Kindle]
  12. The Gospel of John: Believe and Live by Elmer Towns
  13. Jesus is the Christ by Leon Morris
  14. Dreamlander by K.M Weiland [Kindle]
  15. The Methuselah Project by Rick Barry [Kindle]
  16. Streams in the Desert for Graduates by L.B. Cowman
  17. Grace Triumphant by Alicia A. Willis
  18. Fully Alive by Larry Crabb
  19. Understanding the Big Picture of the Bible by Wayne Grudem, C. John Collins, Thomas R. Schreiner
  20. A Grief Observed by C.S. Lewis
  21. Ben Hur by Lew Wallace
  22. Grasping God’s Word by J. Scott Duvall and J. Daniel Hays
  23. 12 Extraordinary Women by John MacArthur
  24.  A Man Called Outlaw by KM Weiland [Kindle]
  25. Did I Kiss Marriage Goodbye? by Carolyn McCulley
  26. Worth Living by Mary DeMuth
  27. Behold, the Lamb of God by Russ Ramsey [Kindle]
  28. Rescuing the Gospel by Erwin Lutzer
  29. Storming by K.M. Weiland [Kindle]
  30. Not recommended.
  31. Girl Defined by Kristen Clark and Bethany Baird
  32. Lion of Babylon by Davis Bunn (book 1/3)
  33. We Two Alone by Ruth Hege
  34. The South Sea Whaler by W.H.G. Kingston
  35. A Path through Suffering by Elisabeth Elliot
  36. Terrorism, Jihad, and the Bible by John MacArthur
  37. Why Trust the Bible? By Greg Gilbert
  38. Heroines of the Cross by Publishers of Christian Literature
  39. Heather and Snow by George MacDonald [Kindle]
  40. Aesop’s Fables translated by George Fyler Townsend [Kindle]
  41. Healing Ruby by Jennifer H. Westall [Kindle] (book 1/3)
  42. Exile by Rachel Starr Thomson (book 1/5)
  43. Hive by Rachel Starr Thomson (book 2/5)
  44. Attack by Rachel Starr Thomson (book 3/5)
  45. Renegade by Rachel Starr Thomson (book 4/5)
  46. Rise by Rachel Starr Thomson (book 5/5)
  47. Breaking Matthew by Jennifer H. Westall [Kindle] (book 2/3)
  48. The Power of Together by Jim Putnam
  49. The Return of the King by J.R.R. Tolkien
  50. The Imitation of Christ by Thomas A’Kempis
  51. Back to the Cross: Surprising Truths from Shanghai by Angela Oltmanns [Kindle]
  52. Can I Be Sure I’m Saved? By R.C. Sproul [Kindle]
  53. By Divine Right by Patrick W. Carr [Kindle]
  54. Her Mother’s Secret by E.D.E.N. Southworth [Kindle] (book 1/3)
  55. The Master’s Garden by Joyce A. Scott [Kindle]
  56. Words that Sting by John Stang [Kindle]
  57. The Temple and the Tabernacle by J. Daniel Hays
  58. Hope Prevails by Dr. Michelle Bengtson
  59. When God Doesn’t Make Sense by James Dobson
  60. 7 Women by Eric Metaxes
  61. Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus by Nabeel Quereshi
  62. 20 Things We’d Tell Our Twenty-something Selves by Kelli and Peter Worrall
  63. The Doctor by Ralph Connor
  64. Heart to Heart by Rachel Starr Thomson
  65. The Dating Manifesto by Lisa Anderson [Kindle]
  66. Speaking of Homosexuality by Joe Dallas
  67. Intended for Evil by Les Sillars
  68. Don’t Waste Your Life by John Piper
  69. When Others Shuddered by Jamie Janosz
  70.  Cloak of the Light by Chuck Black

Short Stories (not novels/books)
  1. Coffee Cake Days by Amanda Tero  [Kindle]
  2. Journey by Rachel Starr Thomson [Kindle]
  3. Debt of Mercy by Amanda Tero [Kindle]
  4. Of Men and Bones by Rachel Starr Thomson [Kindle]
  5. Magdalene by Rachel Starr Thomson [Kindle]
  6. The Fox Went Out by Schuyler McConkey [pdf]
  7. The Angel Knew Papa And The Dog by Douglas Kaine McKelvey [Kindle]
  8. The Dairyman’s Daughter by Legh Richmond [Kindle]
  9. Cross Purposes and The Shadows by George MacDonald [Kindle]

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